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RPC error: RPC send operation failed; errno = An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. 74209:save: Quit signal received.

March 19, 2012

RPC error: RPC send operation failed; errno = An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.   74209:save: Quit signal received.

This error message mainly either Firewall issue or TCP timeout problem, you will need to test the connectivity from the backup server to the client and vice versa using the following command:

Note: in each command use the FQDN and the Short Name of the machine. And you will use those commands in two ways communications ( Server > client and client > Server)

1-      Ping

2-      nslookup

3-      rpcinfo -p  MACHINENAME

4-      nsradmin -v1 -s CLIENTNAME –p390113   ( This is from backup server to client machine)

If communication is good, check the ability to telnet your client from the backup server using 7937 and 7938 ports respectively.

If all of these checks work correctly, and you still receiving that RPC error message, so it is TCP timeout issue. To avoid any TCP timeout issue, I would suggest the following:

1-      Change the group properties, and set “Client Inactivity Timeout” to “0”

2-      Setting Keepalives to Prevent Timeouts:


If you are using Windows operating systems for the Backup server and client, use the following recommendations as well:

1-      Disable TCP Chimney on Server and Client


2-      Set TCP/IP keep alive settings at OS level.


Also there are some recommendations by Microsoft TCP/IP tuning to avoid any TCP timeout issue. You need to apply those recommendations on the backup server and the client as well.

I would suggest to apply these changed on the registry for Windows boxes to avoid any TCP/IP timeout:

Note: You will have to reboot the machines after applying those changes in order to take effects.

Create the following DWORD values in registry.





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